
I frequently cover the HDZero digital FPV system in depth. On this page, you’ll find all of the articles I’ve written about HDZero, including reviews, guides, and general information about the system.

HDZero Goggle

A collection of information about the HDZero Goggle, including my testing, recommended accessories, and news.

HDZero Camera Comparison Chart

A list of all cameras for the HDZero system with a comparison of important specs and features, as well as links to my review of each camera.

HDZero Nano Lite Camera Review

The HDZero Nano Lite enables HDZero to be used on even the smallest 1S builds, with a weight of less than 1.7 grams. But how does it perform?

HDZero Nano V2 Camera

HDZero Nano V2 Camera Review

Detailed review of the HDZero Nano V2 camera, which brings a new image sensor and a 4:3 aspect ratio option to nano-sized HDZero cameras for the first time.

HDZero VTX Comparison

A comprehensive list of all available VTXes for HDZero, with specifications, features, and recommendations.

What is HDZero?

An overview of the HDZero digital FPV system, including its strengths and weaknesses, hardware overview, and buying recommendations.